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I think you guys need to use the word Seminole more in your posts ;-)

found you via twellowhood or something, said Hey, isn't that the place that has free wi-fi? (do you also have a place to sit that doesn't smell like Tires?)
Honestly, free wifi is a selling point. (but I use my brother's mechanic)

B Squared Automotive, LLC.

Well, Thank you very much! We do have free wi-fi and we have a computer desk and a printer for our customer's convenience. We also have fufu coffee that we offer in addition to our sodas and water that are offered to our customers also. We know how it is to be a customer and we want to treat our customers even better than ever! Plus we have a non-mechanic restroom that is designated for 2 office people which would be my mom and myself and the customers. We really like to have things really clean and everybody notices that! I am glad that you commented and shared your thoughts! Hope to talk to you soon! Remember to keep reading our LED sign my dad has been having a lot of fun with it!

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